
Name: GlitterBerri
Interests: Video games, languages, piano, guitar, travelling, computers
Currently Playing: Chrono Cross

Learning Japanese:
I started studying Japanese at 15, first self-study and weekly lessons with a friendly neighbor and then in a junior high school class, going on a 10 month exchange to a Tokyo high school in my sophomore year. After returning to Canada I used translating and chatting online as a means of practice and returned to Japan once more after graduating for a second high school exchange of 5 months.

Rotary Club Exchanges
Travel as an exchange student to foreign countries for affordable prices. Host family, support, and group activities with other exchange students also provided.

Tai Kim’s Guide to Japanese Grammar
Excellent guide going from the basics of Japanese writing to more advanced grammatical concepts. Great learning material.

First 125 Pages of James W. Heisig’s Guide to Remembering the Kanji
Learn to write 30 kanji a day in an hour’s study by only writing them once! No joke, this book is awesome!

I began translating Zelda-related material as a hobby in the fall of 2005 the now-defunct Zelda’s Secret Ocarina and gradually branched out into other games and other forms of media like voice acting, movies, interviews, songs, and game scripts.

I play piano and guitar and write, so while the focus of this blog is translating you may find some videos of my playing or errant thoughts to read. I also occasionally host (with permission) material written in conjunction with or given to me by other people. Look at the credits on top of each page to check who was involved.

Contact Me:
Questions? Comments? Found an error? Let me know by mailing aria.m.tanner@gmail.com. Input always appreciated!

This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. Alex

    Man I can’t believe someone this badass comes from the same country as me! Why can’t there be more girls like you where I live? XD

    1. GlitterBerri

      Depends where you’re living. =)

  2. Anon

    You rock!!!!

  3. Stephen Belanger

    Nerdiness is starting to become popular, especially around here. šŸ™‚

  4. eriol

    hi glitterberri, I am one one of contributor of Saga frontier wiki in rustedlogic.net (http://wiki.rustedlogic.net/SaGa_Frontier), I would like to ask your permission whether I could put your saga frontier deleted text translation in the wiki.

  5. Criss

    Could you translate a manga of Super Mario-kun? I have them, there are 2 manga books. It’s the Super Paper Mario manga. If I scan them, could you translate them? =) That would be awesome.

    Keep up with the great job!

  6. GlitterBerri

    Could you give me some more information about the books? How many pages are they? Can you provide me with a couple of sample scans to see what they look like?

    Next time you have a question like this and to continue our correspondence, please email me at glitterberri.com@gmail.com.

  7. Ssimo

    Ur japanese is better than my english~unbelievable !!!!!

  8. Brandon Schmitz

    Hello GlitterBerri!

    I am the webmaster of WantMidnaBack.com, a Zelda fan site whose overarching goal has been to convince Nintendo to bring Midna — Link’s impish companion in Twilight Princess — into a future installment of the series.

    For awhile now, GlitterBerri has been among my favorite Zelda-related sites, and it would be a tremendous honor to affiliate WMB with your site in some capacity. Should you accept, I will make sure that WMB updates its main page with any events that your site happens to be holding.

    Thank you for your time!

    Brandon “Rare Addict” Schmitz

  9. Brandon

    Hello! I have attempted to send an email to the listed address twice. Both times, I received a response, stating that the delivery failed. šŸ™ I don’t suppose there is any other email address that can be used to contact you, is there?

  10. Caribeanshell

    Balla ;;; a doras alos juegos de antes de nostalgia…crono.. fue bueno .. el ps one. exelente….hhhi trabajo en una Bios para la neogeo AES&MVS..correruia en cualquier emu…mejeoras una bios alterna ala debug bios y unibios (razzz)..

    BY necro..Colombia programer-enginer… I ā™„ Computers, books literature,magazine, girlsssā˜ŗ hhii, Piano,sapsophonnne,culture,traviling…etc..

  11. Brennan

    Thanks for this site, I appreciate the great translations!

  12. Brandon Schmitz

    Hey again, GlitterBerri!

    A couple of weeks ago, I responded to the question you asked in your previous email to me. Admittedly, I don’t know how often you check your mail, so forgive me if it’s just been an issue of timing.

    In any event, I just wanted to give you a heads-up. Feel free to respond to this via my previous email.


  13. Flatterer

    Shouldn’t be saying that, but you’re attractive. Especially in B&W.

  14. Sinan

    Thank you for sharing, I’m a JRPG geek but never came across some background information you had here before.

  15. Onysfx

    Wow thanks for your website. I was trying to download the whole zelda PH manga, but no website but yours allowed me to download all the pages all at once with my download manager.

    I see you’re playing Chrono Cross…too bad I can’t play it, I was a big fan of Chrono Trigger, but I have no DS, and…wait…DeSmuME…OMG What’s WRONG WITH ME! I’M GOING TO PLAY IT RIGHT NOW xD.

    Thanks anyway :).

    1. Onysfx

      Oh shoot…dammit, I thought it was for the NDS, it’s only for playstation… ;(

  16. williams miranda

    Just seen this page and girl, you have bright future ahead of you, especially in translation.

  17. bun bun

    Just a heads-up, your link to the “Remembering the Kanji” sample PDF is broken. This is the currently working link: http://nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp/en/files/2012/12/RK-1-6th-edition-sample.pdf

    P.S. It’s pretty kickin’ rad to see other women involved in game hacking/reverse-engineering. Maybe this will inspire me to finally dump some stuff onto TCRF…

  18. Andy Anderson

    Your a very beautiful young lady

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