Week 3 Part 1

Video Link (Nico Nico Douga)

Female Announcer: Transmission of BS Zelda – Ancient Stone Tablets: Chapter 3 will begin immediately. This program is being broadcast nationwide by satellite. We hope you’ll enjoy the high-quality BS sound. This game runs on “Zelda time”, so you will be unable to save using the memory pack. With that, we welcome you to the wonderful world of Zelda!



Narrator: The legendary kingdom of Hyrule. 6 years ago, in this once peaceful country, the Prince of Thieves Ganondorf took the Triforce, became the demon king Ganon, and was attempting to conquer the land. The priest Agahnim, possessed by Ganon, tried to sacrifice the descendants of the seven sages one by one in order to break the seal. Zelda, princess of Hyrule, was also a descendant, and was therefore imprisoned by Agahnim in the dungeons of Hyrule Castle. However, Zelda called frantically from her cell.

Zelda: Please, help! My name is Zelda. I am held captive in the castle dungeons!

Narrator: Link, a boy of Hyrule, heard her cries. He began a quest to save the princess and defeat Ganon. Numerous dangers lay in wait, but Link, mustering his courage, wisdom, and power, was at last able to defeat Ganon. He then departed to search for new adventure. The people of Hyrule, extolling the tales of his deeds, came to revere him as the Hero, Link. An era of peace descended upon Hyrule.



Zelda: H-huh? What is that strange light in the east?

Narrator: Zelda followed the mysterious brilliance. This man is Agihna, the younger brother of Sahasrahla, sage of Hyrule.

Agihna: Hrrumph… I just wake up earlier and earlier as I grow older… Hrr… Oh! Who could this be?!

Zelda: Agihna! What happened?

Agihna: Princess Zelda, this here young’un, dressed something unusual…

Zelda: Aa! N-not dead, I hope…?

Narrator: That day, a mysterious youth fell from the heavens.



Soldier : This is a disaster!

Agihna: Aren’t you the soldier who was at the eastern temple? What’s wrong? You are hurt! Are you alright?

Soldier : A horde of monsters came at us from nowhere! The defending soldiers were killed to a man. It looks like they haven’t appeared here yet, but… *grunts in pain*

Agihna: Oi! Hold on to your strength!

Narrator: All of a sudden, monsters appeared! A new danger surrounded Hyrule.



Narrator: The youth began a new adventure in order to save Hyrule. The stone tablets the youth found within the land’s dungeons were inscribed with strange symbols. The princess, Zelda, prophesied that the Book of Mudora would be necessary to decipher what was written on the stones. Seeking the Book of Mudora, the youth and Agihna travelled to the home of the Hero, Link.



Agihna: Oh, you’re awake. Looks like I awoke a little earlier than you, young one. I tried searching for the Book of Mudora, but I didn’t see anything that resembled it. However, the princess said that she saw it here at Link’s house, so it must be around here somewhere. Well, I will keep searching, so will you look for more stone tablets? Oh, that’s it! You’ll go! Before that, be sure to take your things.

Narrator: Let’s confirm the controls. If you press the START button, the items you just received will be displayed. If you press the START button and the L button you will see today’s objectives. You can return to the game screen by pressing the START button again. If you press the R button on the game screen, you will be able to see an explanation of each item. Press the B button to swing your sword. Hold the B button to charge your sword’s power. To pick up items, press A.

Agihna: If I find the Book of Mudora I will let you know you right away. I suppose I’ll try looking in this room first. Now, where could it be…

Narrator: Players who don’t yet have a sword will need to visit the eastern temple. Players without a boomerang must head east of the medicine shop and under the waterfall. Players who don’t have a magic hammer should go east of Kakariko Village in the west of Hyrule. Players without a hookshot should visit the Lost Woods in the northwest. Playing the ocarina will allow you to warp instantly. Players who are lost should press the X button to check their location on the map.



Zelda: Ah, I wonder if Agihna has discovered the book. But what shall I do during this time?

Soldier : I believe Agihna called upon a fortune teller.

Zelda: I can also see the future if I calm my heart, but… could you call the Fortune Teller for me?

Soldier : Certainly, Your Highness!



Narrator: Have you obtained the power glove? With the power glove, you will be able to shoulder white rocks. The Titan’s Mitt is necessary to pick up heavier objects, but you can’t obtain it right now. There are also one-use gloves in the area, so try using them on rocks you just can’t seem to move. They can be used only once in the same area. If you want to use them twice, try moving to a different area and then coming back.

Now I’ll give a simple explanation of how to use items. With a torch, you can light the lanterns found in dungeons. There are some dungeon doors that can’t be opened without lighting lanterns. The boomerang immobilizes enemies and can also fetch far-away items. Bombs damage enemies and are capable of creating openings in walls. But watch out! Should you be caught in the blast, you will also be injured. You can use bottles after filling them with things you find on your adventure. If you have a bow, you will be able to shoot arrows. Mushrooms are an ingredient for making magic powder. It’s said that if you sprinkle magic powder over enemies, it will result in surprising effects. Should you come across other items you don’t know how to use, press the R button at the SUBSCREEN to see an explanation.



Zelda: Ah, are you the Fortune Teller? It’s a little sudden, but would you be so kind as to divine the location of the Book of Mudora?

Fortune Teller: Abracadabra… Abracadabra… it is regrettable, but I do not know the location of the Book of Mudora. However, it seems as though a fairy has appeared around the youth.

Zelda: A fairy?! Hero of Light, did you hear that? It seems as though a fairy has appeared. Please, do your best!



Agihna: Hrmm. It isn’t here, either. It is called the Book of Mudora, so it must look like a book, but where could it be?



Fortune Teller: Princess Zelda…

Zelda: Did you find the Book of Mudora?

Fortune Teller: No, I saw a strange bee.

Zelda: A strange bee?

Fortune Teller: It appears to be partial to monsters.

Zelda: A bee that will destroy monsters. Did you hear that, Hero of Light? A golden bee that will exterminate monsters has appeared. But please be careful.



Agihna: Hrm. It is not here, either. I wonder what colour the Book of Mudora is. Oh, I wish I had listened more closely to the princess.



Soldier : Princess!

Zelda: You are the solder from the northeast, are you not? What has happened?

Soldier : It seems as though the golden potion at the magic shop is complete, but, as usual, only one can be made.

Zelda: Is that so. Thank you for your hard work. Did you hear that, Hero of Light? It sounds like there is a golden potion ready at the magic shop in the northeast. Please be sure to visit!

Narrator: The magic shop in the northeast of Hyrule. Magic potions are sold there. Red gives power. Green gives magic. Blue excels in that it replenishes both. The gold potion, on top of restoring health and magic, will temporarily shorten the time it takes to charge your sword’s power. Those who haven’t yet used it, be sure to try it out.

『BSゼルダの伝説 古代の石盤』第3話

では、すばらしいゼルダの世界へどうぞ 伝説の国ハイラル。 6年前平和だったこの地に盗賊団のドン、ガノン・ドルフがトラフォース手にし、
しかしゼルダは地下牢から必死に語りかけていた ゼルダ姫:
「助けてください。私の名はゼルダ。お城の地下牢に囚われています」 ナレーター:
そしてリンクは新たなる冒険を探して旅立って行った。 ハイラルの人々はその功績を称え勇者リンクと崇めたてていた。
その後ハイラルには平穏な日々が流れていた。 ゼルダ姫:
「あ、東のほうへ光が・・・なんでしょうか?」 ナレーター:
ハイラルの長老サハスラーラの弟である。 アジナー:
「ほっ、なんじゃコイツは」 ゼルダ姫:
「アジナー、何か起こりませんでしたか?」 アジナー:
「ゼルダ姫、ここに不思議な若者が」 ゼルダ姫:
「はっ、、大丈夫ですか?」 ナレーター:
ある日不思議な若者がハイラルに落ちてきた。 兵士:
「ハァハァ、た、大変です!」 アジナー:
「ほぉ、怪我をしているではないか。大丈夫か?」 兵士:
警備の兵士は全滅です。まだこの辺りは現れていないようですが・・・うゎ・・・」 アジナー:
「おい、しっかりしろ」 ナレーター:
ハイラルに新たな危機が迫った。 若者はハイラルを救うべく、冒険を始めた
何やら文字が記されていた。 王女ゼルダは、石盤に書かれた文字を解読するには、
アジナーと共に勇者リンクの生家へとやってきた。 アジナー:
「しかし、姫がこのリンクの成果で見た事があると仰ったのでな必ずあるはずじゃ」 「そこでワシはこのままムドラの書を探すから、お前は新しい石盤を探してはくれぬか?」 「そうか。探してくれるか」
「おお、その前にお主の持ち物じゃ。受け取るがよい」 ナレーター:
物を持ち上げるにはAボタンを押してくれ アジナー:
「まずワシはこの部屋の中を探してみるとしよう。どれどれ・・・」 ナレーター:
場所のわからない君は、まずXボタンでマップを表示させ確認してくれ。 ゼルダ姫:
すみませんが、占い師さんを呼んでいただけませんか?」 兵士:
「はっ!」 ナレーター:
もう一度戻ってきてから使ってみてくれ ここで簡単にアイテム使い方を説明しよう。
他に使い方のわからないアイテムはゲーム画面でRボタンを押し確認してくれ。 ゼルダ姫:
「早速ですが、ムドラの書のありかを占ってもらえませんか?」 占い師:
「くろまによ] ]>