Early Screenshots

Now updated with new screenshots and commentary from Fizz. “The third in the Zelda series will make its debut on their Super NES this Fall!. This time the plot changes,…


Zelda Is Your…?

Zelda is your... destiny? Only hope? Sister, a la Star Wars? For a little while, rumors abounded about the true meaning behind Link's uncle's words. Thanks to the power of…


Crazy Commercial Revisited

出る出る、ゼルダの伝説 deru deru, zeruda no densetsu It's coming, coming, The Legend of Zelda 出る出る出る出るついに出る deru deru deru deru tsui ni deru It's coming, coming, coming, coming, finally coming ゴージャス、今度の冒険 gojasu,…


Official Prologue

The Link to the Past soundtrack CD set, released in 1993, contained a second CD with orchestrated music from the title. The very last track was called "Sound & Drama"…

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